The Complete Guide to Knowing Whether You Can Be Hacked Through Your Website

How to find who hacked my website.Improve user experience, increase conversion rate and page experience, lower bounce rates. Slow website?

Why is my website slow?

What can I do about it?

What can I do to make my website faster?

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Site speed and user experience

Too many page loads Google Webmaster Tools Image Optimization First Things First: What is image optimization? Image optimization is the process of using digital imaging techniques to improve the quality, image clarity and color rendition of a picture. But what are image optimization strategies? Image optimization is the process of using digital imaging techniques to improve the quality, image clarity and color rendition of a picture. Bounce rate optimization Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Optimizing your site and website's images will have a direct effect on your user experience. In fact, research suggests that with a higher quality image, you can increase your conversion rate by nearly 25 percent.

How to find out if your website is hacked.

Before you get too worked up about whether someone may have hacked your site or not, you have to first understand what you can and cannot do. How do you know if your website is hacked? The answer is surprisingly simple. If you find a directory with file names that look familiar, chances are that there is malware on your site and someone may have come in to retrieve the information they are looking for. Read more…71 How to Improve Conversion Rate with Hover-Over Video There is nothing quite like a hover-over video, especially if it is done well. Using a video to entice potential clients to click, purchase or sign up for your offer is a powerful technique to make your sales online and improve conversions.


Hacking is all about the possibility that some kind of unauthorized access to our website can take place. So, you need to make sure that your website is absolutely safe, that the user’s credit card is safe, and that they are not getting scammed or any kind of information with your site is safe. If you know how hackers can hack your website, you can be secure from all kinds of hacking threats. Did this article help you understand hacking? If yes, then please share it with your friends by sharing the link on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter.